Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Race Ready Car FOR SALE

HQ Race Car for sale.
Recently placed 3rd overall, 1st WA car in the HQ National Championships at Barbagallo Raceway 18/19 September 2010.
New Engine, new hurricane rims plus heaps more. Pre-Season Cams Audited. All components checked and sealed. Serious contender in any HQ competition in Australia. This car is fast and ready to go racing.
Grant Howlett on 0407 183 800

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Various Parts FOR SALE

I am an ex HQ racer, and I have various bits & pieces for sale.

Eg: 2x 933 Wade camshafts, 1x fully recon’d fine spline rear axle (banjo)

1x pr front stub axles / uprights, 1x booster, 1x M/C, 1x 40mmbase carby already set up

For racing with variable MJ, starter motors2x fr/Rr brake splitters2x alternators1x set Fr PBR callipers,

1x 6 cyl bellhousing, 1 pr headlight surrounds, etc.


Frank Wilson

Ph: 0417178885

Monday, March 29, 2010

A red 202 with 4 speed gear box for sale $800 for the lot.

Contact Royden Mcivor: 0450769609

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Check here for any Parts & Cars for sale... if you want to list anything, please email